
Arm Lift

Brachioplasty (or arm lift) involves the removal of hanging, wing-like skin excess from the arms. It is most commonly done for patients who have had significant weight loss. This low-risk procedure restores a more normal arm contour utilizing an incision that extends from the apex of the axilla to the inner elbow area. In addition to the skin removal, liposuction of the arms can be done simultaneously to further reduce the arm circumference in patients who have residual subcutaneous fat there. The results can be dramatic and almost immediate.  Please see before and after brachioplasty patients featured on this website to see if this procedure might be right for you.  Brachioplasties are typically performed in 2 hours or less and are always done outpatient.  Typically brachioplasties are combined with other body contouring procedures at the same time but can be done as a sole procedure.