Dr. Lindsey's News

Submuscular placement of breast prostheses

Dr. Lindsey suggests submuscular placement of breast prostheses for most patients desiring breast enhancement.  The submuscular placement of breast prostheses affords smooth contour and a soft feel for most women undergoing augmentation mammoplasty.  This is due to the additional soft tissue coverage that submuscular placement affords.

Submuscular placement can also result in a decreased incidence of capsular contracture and allows improved monitoring of the breasts with mammography.

Submuscular placement, however, does not require release of the pectoral muscles from the sternum, as has been suggested by previous authors.  Careful lifting of the muscle provides excellent results with less internal manipulation.

To review this technique further, please review Dr. Lindsey’s article on the case against pectoral releases in patients undergoing augmentation mammoplasty.

The Case Against Medial Pectoral Releases: A Retrospective Review of 315 Primary Breast Augmentation Patients

Download the Article

Acellular dermal matrix simplifies and improves implant-based breast reconstruction

Acellular dermal matrix is a biologic material that is implanted in the chest wall area to allow and facilitate implant-based breast reconstruction following mastectomy. This material is processed human dermis, which allows implantation of a permanent breast prosthesis or tissue expander at the time of mastectomy. In the past, tissue expanders were routinely required. Although delivering good results, the expansion process was prolonged and somewhat uncomfortable for many patients.

This new material allows for a quicker and much more normal restoration of breast form and size and foreshortens the reconstructive process.

Most patients are candidates for this improved type of breast reconstruction. Patients excluded include smokers, those who have a history of radiation to the chest wall, and those who have collagen vascular disease.